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25 January 2017 / leggypeggy

When did tolerance get thrown out the window?

multicultural billboard, Australia

The sign welcomes people to the Canberra Theatre

The word ‘cornucopia’ has always reminded me of an American Thanksgiving with its groaning tables of food, sincere goodwill and heartfelt hospitality being extended to all. My mother taught us that no one is to be left out at Thanksgiving.

Sadly, this week delivered a different kind of ‘cornucopia’ in both America and Australia. This particular show of ‘bounty’ was marked by bigotry, threats and intolerance.

I admit that I was not surprised by President Trump’s announcement today to restrict access to the US for refugees and some visa holders from seven mostly Muslim nations: Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.

While it’s not a necessarily a sign of intolerance, it is what he threatened to do. I now wonder how it might affect our elder daughter, who was born in Syria in the 1980s. Luckily she has an Australian passport and no Syrian passport—a daughter of a diplomat.

For now, I won’t go into further comments about the days ahead in the USA.

But I digress.

What concerns me most this week is the bad behaviour being shown by a small group of Australians that have objected to a billboard that promotes Australia Day.

The bad behaviour started last week when a billboard went up in Melbourne. It depicted two Muslim girls celebrating Australia Day and waving Australia flags. The problem seemed to be that they were wearing headscarves (hijabs).

Such hypocrisy. Good grief, nuns wear headscarves.

That said, some Australians complained that people/migrants don’t assimilate when they arrive here. Of course, when migrants try super-hard to fit in (such as the billboard image above), the complainers say it’s not enough.

Of course, no one checks whether the ‘targets of criticism’ are migrants or people who are third or fourth generation in Australia (which is often the case). It really doesn’t matter. I embraced Australia from the day I arrived. I suppose that my good fortune is that, until I speak in my American accent, I look to be a typical white Australian. Even after I speak, I am accepted as ‘belonging’ here. I wonder how it would be if I were black?

The agency that erected the billboard shown above was so bombarded with threats (including death and bomb) that they removed the sign. That prompted a groundswell of public support (yay Australia!). Crowd funding raised $130,000 in a couple of days and that has been spent on posting even more of the same billboard in other major cities.

I live in the ACT—Australian Capital Territory—which decided to post the image (using their own funds) on the neon sign over the government-owned Canberra Theatre (see above). They announced this on their Facebook page.

The reaction (although small) was vicious, threatening and downright illegal. There were suggestions that the theatre be bombed, blown up or set on fire. Most of the comments came from a splinter group of radicals. But the comments were enough for the government to remove the post from Facebook. This is so wrong. Thankfully, they have not removed the sign.

I don’t think I’ve ever shared a politician’s comments, but I was impressed by what Andrew Barr, our Chief Minister, had to say. He called the complainers racists and rednecks. He got it in one. Here’s a link to a main article.

Tomorrow is Australia Day—26 January. Many issues surround this day. It marks when white folks landed on the continent or, as many Indigenous people rightly say, when the white folks invaded. There is discussion, even arguments, about a best day to celebrate Australia Day. I’ll try to keep you posted and hope that bigotry dies down here.

In the meantime, Happy Australia Day!






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  1. MyoPaname / Jan 25 2017 11:11 pm

    La tolérance est une vertu qui rend la paix possible…

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Vicki / Jan 25 2017 11:26 pm

    Bigotry of any sort angers me. I’m ashamed that ‘Australians’ can be so intolerant, especially as we (except indigenous Australians) are all incomers.

    One of the best aspects of Australia is its multi-cultural society and all that it brings to make Australia one of the best countries in the world to live.

    I read on my local council website recently, (Footscray/Maribyrnong), that there are 197 languages spoken in this area.

    I feel immensely proud to be part of such a multi-cultural society and I wish the heck that all Australians felt the same. I don’t care what religion, colour, language or sexual persuasion you are as long as you obey the laws and try to assimilate as best you can (if a migrant).

    I do expect migrants to learn English though. After all, if we lived in their country, we’d have to learn their language.

    And yes, we have to have a Public Holiday tomorrow – it’s my Birthday and I expect some sort of celebration 🙂

    Liked by 5 people

    • leggypeggy / Jan 26 2017 9:44 am

      Happy Birthday, Vicki. Hope you are having a wonderful day. I promise to raise a glass to you tonight.

      Like you, I am tremendously proud of Australia’s multi-cultural society, and very angered by those who cannot see the benefits it brings.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. derrick / Jan 25 2017 11:28 pm

    I don’t understand this

    Everyone in the US and Australia was an immigrant, the people in both countries are descended from immigrants, some weren’t exactly over joyed at being sent there, but some went willingly and made a good life for themselves

    There are so many reason why people moved to these countries, poverty, better life, disease,

    There was no immigration laws when they went there, they just pushed the indigenous population out of the way, killed them off, put em in reservations

    They came from all over the world, all they had was what they could bring with them and a ‘can do spirit’ (I really don’t know what ever happened to that in both countries)

    There are people in the US that call themselves African Americans, they haven’t even been to Africa, it was their ancestors that came from there, the same as Hispanic Americans

    I know you cant please everyone all the time, I really don’t care what religion people are, I don’t care if they are gay, hetro, Bi sexual, green with ginger hair, black, white, yellow, brown or even purple with pink spots

    I just don’t like it when people of other ethnic origins play the race card, we could all go back further we all came from the green slime somewhere millions of years ago

    I am not a racist, but there are black, white, brown people I don’t like, its not the whole race I dislike, just an individual (am I allowed to do that ?)

    I take people at face value, I have a choice, I like em, I don’t like em, they all have the same problems I have, they have bills to pay, kids to bring up, I have enough to worry about than worry about who someone is praying to, wearing (some don’t like me wearing shorts) let people get on with their lives rather than trying to enforce what they do

    There are all kinds down my gym, street, I don’t tell them what they should be doing, what they wear, what they eat, how they treat their kids, they and I have our own lives, problems, bills, we just get on with it 🙂

    This might upset some, but its just my opinion,

    Liked by 5 people

    • leggypeggy / Jan 26 2017 9:45 am

      Derrick, I can always count on you to be a voice of reason. Thanks.


      • Derrick / Jan 26 2017 10:56 am

        Hi Peggy,
        I cant even pretend to understand Aussie immigration laws, but I do know they are the toughest in the world, but I do know that the majority of people who have immigrated over the past 10 years or so have embraced the Aussie way of life and still have their own ways and traditions, they have mixed them up, its only recently the problems of terrorists has risen its ugly head, not every Muslim is a terrorist, the same with any other religion, there are zealots in every religion, most people hear them banging on and smile and pass em by

        I have several friends who have moved over to Oz, they are too old to be real Aussies, but their kids will be, they will always be ‘Pommies’ they accept it

        These people who complained about the sign (which I haven’t seen) aren’t really racists (they surely cant hate everyone of a race can they ?) I just think they are scared, lonely bigoted in their thinking, they are to be pitied and with the real Aussie (and to some point, British) spirit tolerated

        I have worked on building sites with people from many nationalities, Brits, Poles, Jews, Indians, Muslims, Sikhs, we all shared the same tea room, there was just one long table, Jews and Muslims got stuck into Bacon rolls, drank tea, coffee, most of the talk was about kids, bills, houses, where they came from, what they hoped to do, everyone wanted better for their kids, families, none wanted to go home, Rob (Polish, name was Rabinski) sent his money home for his wife and he was working in the hope his wife would join him

        They all embraced the English way of life, as far as I know they all stayed, bought a home, its been years since I last worked with them

        I cant understand where all this intolerance has come from, where it started, but I cant say I like it

        When I was in the Forces, I would like to think I was fighting for peoples rights, a home, to walk down a street without being harassed, looked down upon, regardless of race, colour, creed, ethnicity, someone’s religion, dress is theirs to have and hold without predudice from anyone

        Maybe I am too old have traveveled too much, I don’t know what it is, but I let everyone get on with their lives

        Anyway, tis is all my opinion

        Happy Aussie Day everyone, enjoy it, we cant have an English or a Great Britain day, you Aussies are special, don’t ever forget it 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

      • leggypeggy / Jan 26 2017 12:54 pm

        All I can add is that I’m glad we’re mates. 🙂


  4. mistermuse / Jan 25 2017 11:35 pm

    Intolerance is a form of ignorance, and willful ignorance is (practically) invincible. Nonetheless, it must be combated, though I fear it will always be with us.

    Liked by 6 people

    • leggypeggy / Jan 26 2017 9:46 am

      Sadly, I think you are right that this form of ignorance will always be with us. Let’s keep up the fight.

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  5. ralietravels / Jan 26 2017 12:30 am

    While I essentially agree with your point of view, it is too easy to dismiss the concerns of others as racism and bigotry.
    That is what the Democrats in the US did, and now we are saddled with President Trump.
    There are legitimate concerns. Not the least of these in the U.S. is that the tolerance is one-sided; those with a more traditional background are supposed to be tolerant of the new-comers, but the migrants are not expected to show tolerance of our traditions. Similarly, it is OK for our comedians to make fun of fundamental Christians, and the comedy “Book of Mormon” is widely successful on our coasts [Where Clinton won], but if you make a joke about any other religion, the political left calls you a bigot. Hurting people’s feelings is bad no matter who they are.
    There needs to be a greater effort by everyone to understand each other.

    Liked by 4 people

    • leggypeggy / Jan 26 2017 9:57 am

      You are absolutely right. People do have legitimate concerns that are neither bigotry or racism. Interestingly, in Australia very little is sacred when it comes to comedy.

      As for the billboard, whether these girls were born in Australia or are new migrants, they are showing respect for our traditions by waving the flag. The fury from a noisy few is over their headscarves—a piece of fabric. Unbelievable!


  6. theunassuminghiker / Jan 26 2017 12:40 am

    I miss the days of political correctness. It is not okay to hate – whether it is immigrants, natives, black, white, religious, atheist, gay, disabled – whatever. How boring it would be if we were all the same. We need to learn to embrace differences and move away from hate and fear. Thank you for your post.

    Liked by 5 people

    • leggypeggy / Jan 26 2017 9:59 am

      I agree completely—it’s not okay to hate.


  7. poshbirdy / Jan 26 2017 1:02 am

    The world is an immigrant. I cannot bear that people can be so hateful, and the objections to that sign really sum that up. Things have to change, and we need to start celebrating differences instead of attacking them

    Liked by 4 people

    • leggypeggy / Jan 26 2017 10:00 am

      Thank you for a perfect description—’we need to start celebrating differences’.


  8. circusgardener / Jan 26 2017 1:55 am

    Well said Peggy. Something very strange is happening in the world. The outcome of the Brexit vote and Trump’s election are pretty hard to understand and explain when set against the facts. Then there was the truly bizarre vote by the Columbian people to reject a negotiated peace deal with Farc that would have ended decades of violence. Hoe did that happen?
    I don’t understand what it is that makes people believe these shallow, vainglorious politicians who encourage them to vote for causes that will ultimately damage their interests. I am sure that social media has played a part, but it must be dipping into a pool of disaffection that already exists.
    What is undoubtedly true is that Brexit and the Trump results have encouraged an ugly confidence amongst the racists and the haters (hate crime in Britain has increased significantly since Brexit). From your description, it has helped embolden the racists in Australia too.
    It is up to those of us who believe in a better world (where race, religion and other superficial differentiations are secondary to the deeper goals of cooperation and peaceful coexistence) to encourage belief in that better future, much as those inspiring marching women did just a few days ago, across the world, in response to Trump’s inauguration.

    Liked by 7 people

    • leggypeggy / Jan 26 2017 10:06 am

      What a brilliant and insightful comment. I wish our current federal politicians would speak out more loudly against the behaviour of the haters. I was proud that Andrew Barr was so vocal.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Curious to the Max / Jan 26 2017 3:33 pm

      Great comment and observations.

      The one positive I hold onto is that the bigotry, hate and fear is now in the open. When it is “underground” we all go on with our lives as if everything is fine. Perhaps this is a wake-up call that can begin to mobilize those of us (I speak for myself) who have not realized the depth and extent of fear and hate that exists in our own back yards.

      I do believe that love does triumph over evil and that one day there will be a unified world where everyone choses right action because we all connected. It will not be in my lifetime . . .

      Liked by 2 people

      • leggypeggy / Jan 26 2017 5:34 pm

        Great point Judith. Once it’s in the open, we are better able to confront and fight it.

        Liked by 1 person

  9. lexklein / Jan 26 2017 2:09 am

    I don’t know when exactly it got thrown out the window, but the thing that scares me more is that more people seem to think it’s OK, even laudable, to flaunt that intolerance. We have also separated into camps, and those camps are not speaking to one another or even reading the same information, so we have no ability to even try to hear and understand what the other side is thinking. Scary days ahead.

    Liked by 4 people

    • leggypeggy / Jan 26 2017 10:07 am

      Excellent point. The behaviour is not OK, but too many think it is. Very scary days ahead.


  10. Heather Sjoberg / Jan 26 2017 2:46 am

    I was greatly shocked by this incident. Not particularly by the intolerant people, but by the buckling by the owners of the sign. Where are broad shoulders? So glad that others have stood up to the intolerant and there are more signs going up everywhere. I am not in Australia at present (in Mexico for 3 months), so will miss Australia Day. I was Chairman of the Australia Day Council in the NT for 6 years, so the day is very special to me and I will be waving the flag here!

    Liked by 4 people

    • leggypeggy / Jan 26 2017 10:11 am

      I was shocked when the issue first arose in Melbourne and surprised at the lack of broad shoulders, then proud of the crowd funding response, and even prouder of the ACT for putting up a sign using our own tax dollars. And finally shocked again and brokenhearted at the horrendous comments posted on the city’s Facebook page.

      Wishing you a Happy Australia Day in Mexico and a big thank you for your services in the Northern Territory.


  11. susan@onesmallwalk / Jan 26 2017 2:46 am

    It’s the reaction to these attempts to spread intolerance that gives me some hope. It sounds like there was a strong feeling in sympathy for the Australia Day signage of girls in hijabs, and look at the enormous amounts of people who walked in the marches worldwide the day after the inauguration in the US. Thanks for writing about this tough subject.

    Liked by 5 people

  12. sidilbradipo1 / Jan 26 2017 3:37 am

    Difficult argument for me: my family emigrated all around the world 🙂
    Hypocrisy is the b(o)ogey beast of this century!

    Liked by 3 people

  13. beetleypete / Jan 26 2017 4:34 am

    This made the news in the UK too, and that is rare for Australian ‘domestic matters’, believe me.
    Despite the unpleasant attacks being unacceptable, it also has to be remembered that Australia has had a very strict immigration policy in force for a long time now. Then there was the issue of the ‘camps’ in Nauru and Papua New Guinea. If the government wants the people to show tolerance, it has to lead by example.
    Best wishes, Pete.

    Liked by 4 people

    • leggypeggy / Jan 26 2017 10:19 am

      I agree with you completely, Pete. I am not proud of our government’s immigration policy. They set a bad example.


      • beetleypete / Jan 26 2017 10:24 am

        Hopefully this current issue might give them cause to re-think some of the stricter admission policies. I thought the poster was a very positive step, but not anticipating that reaction from some people was naive to say the least.
        Best wishes, Pete.

        Liked by 1 person

      • leggypeggy / Jan 26 2017 1:28 pm

        No doubt negative reaction was expected, but I suspect no one foresaw the level of violence and malice being expressed.


  14. Brenda / Jan 26 2017 5:24 am

    It is disheartening to see that Australia is experiencing the same sort of hateful vitriol that is washing over the U.S. It’s frightening that people can harbor such intense, red-hot hatred. It seems that the vicious aspects of human tribalism flourish in times of stress and change. Sadly, it’s nothing new. But, in some ways, that makes it even more difficult to stomach. I think I’ll go pat my dog.

    Liked by 3 people

    • leggypeggy / Jan 26 2017 12:12 pm

      I’m also disheartened by the hateful vitriol being displayed anywhere. Some days the dog is our only comfort.

      Liked by 1 person

  15. lmo58 / Jan 26 2017 8:43 am

    Well said everyone! Why is it so difficult for people to accept that, irrespective of the colour of our skin, the accent in which we speak, and the food we eat, we are still people? We bleed and bruise if we are cut or struck and we have feelings. Why can’t we respect ourselves for the people we are instead of constantly judging ourselves for whweree we come from and what we eat and wear? We are all, after all, human. I speak with a broad, Australian accent and have blue/green eyes and fair skin. You might speak with an Indian accent, have dark skin and cook differently. But we’re still human and we still feel

    Liked by 4 people

    • leggypeggy / Jan 26 2017 12:16 pm

      Well said, Louise. People forget that we aren’t born racist or bigoted. It’s a learned behaviour. I’d like to hear more of our leaders speak out more strongly against such behaviour.

      Liked by 1 person

  16. gerard oosterman / Jan 26 2017 9:44 am

    Reblogged this on Oosterman Treats Blog and commented:
    A good article by Leggypeggy.
    The response to those that wanted the sign to be torn down was heartening. It shows that most don’t share the view that people are to be judged on what they wear or what religions they have.
    Tolerance and acceptance of differences has won over bigotry and suspicions. Well done Australia!

    Liked by 2 people

    • leggypeggy / Jan 26 2017 12:19 pm

      Thanks so very much, Gerard. I’m glad the voices of tolerance and acceptance have been so much louder that those of bigotry and suspicion.


  17. sepultura13 / Jan 26 2017 9:58 am

    Excellent post – very open and honest. Very much appreciated!

    Liked by 2 people

  18. Oz's Travels / Jan 26 2017 11:00 am

    Here here. Great Post. Happy Australia Day

    Liked by 2 people

  19. Sy S. / Jan 26 2017 12:05 pm

    Happy Australia Day to all in Oz! And for Americans a very Unhappy America Day this past Friday when Donald J. Trump became President! Sad, very sad!

    Liked by 2 people

    • leggypeggy / Jan 26 2017 12:22 pm

      Thanks Sy. I’m sad with you regarding the state of the States. 😦


  20. Andrew Petcher / Jan 26 2017 8:07 pm

    I just watched the lamb ad – amusing but not very subtle.
    Ignorance has always been with us, for almost 100 years it was common in England to see signs – No Irish Need Apply. You don’t see them anymore. Some people have recently thrown petrol on the bonfire of bigotry but the flames will eventually die down.

    Liked by 2 people

    • leggypeggy / Jan 26 2017 10:44 pm

      I sure hope the flames will die down. The lamb ad is over the top. 🙂


      • Andrew Petcher / Jan 26 2017 10:48 pm

        It just needs us all there with the fire extinguishers!

        Liked by 1 person

      • leggypeggy / Jan 26 2017 11:25 pm

        Ah yes, I need to get the fire extinguishers checked for efficiency! Thanks!


  21. Green Global Trek / Jan 26 2017 8:16 pm

    It is shocking that so much racism, bigotry and hatred exists against people wearing hijabs. I love your comment about nuns wearing head scarves. Exactly!! Thank you for a timely and eloquent piece.

    We have been shocked by the fear and blatant racism against hijab wearing by those we consider good friends and even family.

    We wrote this post a while back…


    Liked by 2 people

    • leggypeggy / Jan 26 2017 11:22 pm

      Headscarves? How can this whole thing be over headscarves? Thanks for stopping by and thanks for the link.


  22. Green Global Trek / Jan 26 2017 8:19 pm
    • leggypeggy / Jan 26 2017 11:26 pm

      Thanks. Your links are really useful.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Green Global Trek / Jan 27 2017 12:26 am

        You are welcome. I think we all have to work at accepting different cultures, different religions… differences essentially. And normalise the differences, rather than judge them.


        Liked by 1 person

      • leggypeggy / Jan 27 2017 9:26 pm

        It is all about acceptance and understanding.


  23. stephanieleonard08 / Jan 27 2017 1:12 am

    Well said! I hope you all have a peaceful, happy Australia Day!

    Liked by 1 person

  24. onecreativefamily / Jan 27 2017 1:49 am

    I agree with all you said. We need to look at people for who they are and for Goodness sakes get to know me before you made up your minds. I have to blame medias of all kinds. We are seeing more racism than acceptance. This negativism seems to be rewarded for all the junk they spout. Makes me so angry and sad.

    We are all one.

    Liked by 2 people

  25. Scott Levine / Jan 27 2017 3:06 am

    Thanks for posting this. It’s been a hard couple of months here in the US, so it’s good to see some perspective from another place. We can get so wrapped up in our own lives that it’s hard to see what else is going on sometimes. I agree with the things you said, and the thing that I keep coming back to and wondering is the feeling of pride that people seem to feel about their bigotry. Our countries, as has been said over and over, are countries of immigrants. Yet, there are many people who, despite that, feel it’s okay to act with such hatred toward immigrants, blame them for whatever it is the is going wrong. It’s hard for me to understand that pride and that lack of empathy. When you’re in a position where you can react in a number of different ways to a situation, why would you choose hate? It’s a shame that so many feel that’s the best way to go.

    Liked by 2 people

    • leggypeggy / Jan 27 2017 12:14 pm

      Scott, you’ve made a wonderfully powerful statement. Why would anyone choose hate?


  26. Tamara Hoerner / Jan 27 2017 5:20 am

    That was an interesting post. Thanks for sharing. Hey! I hope all is well! You’ve been tagged! Find the article here:

    Liked by 2 people

    • leggypeggy / Jan 27 2017 10:07 pm

      Thanks for the tag. I’ve left a comment on your blog.


  27. Curt Mekemson / Jan 27 2017 8:40 am

    Good post, Peggy. As I have already noted on Gerard’s re-blog.The best way to fight hatred and bigotry is to speak out, as you have done. The Trumps of the world are exploiting fear to unleash an ugliness that blights everything it touches. Hard to find a better definition of the Dark Side. We have to fight back. Thanks again. –Curt

    Liked by 3 people

    • leggypeggy / Jan 27 2017 12:25 pm

      Thanks Curt. All we can do is fight the ugliness and the Dark Side.


  28. The Whitechapel Whelk / Jan 27 2017 6:10 pm

    We live in deeply depressing times, Peggy. Trump is fast becoming beyond parody. However, this won’t prevent me from hammering him and his merry band of billionaire hoodlums every chance I get.
    Excellent piece as ever – The Whelk

    Liked by 2 people

  29. / Jan 28 2017 7:11 am

    When I hear about such right-winged comments, I am not astonished that Australia is now deporting for more than 15 years “illegal” boat refugees to “camps” on foreign islands far away from anything and without any perspective for these people.

    Liked by 2 people

  30. vagabondurges / Jan 28 2017 11:19 am

    Our most vicious and small-hearted can so easily gain more than their fair share of attention, but it’s good to know (and be reminded!) that the human foundation is one of kindness and tolerance. Keep it up! We need you!

    Liked by 2 people

  31. marymtf / Jan 28 2017 1:51 pm

    On the one hand you speak of a groundswell of support, but you also imply that Australians are (white) bigots. . Do remember, Peggy that ‘we are one but we are many.’ Everyone has a bias of some sort, no matter what colour or religion or race.
    As for that billboard. Threats aren’t nice whatever side of the political divide they come from. I don’t give two hoots what’s up there, but I will suggest that it might have made a difference to how people reacted if there had been a variety of children represented on that board.

    Liked by 2 people

    • leggypeggy / Jan 28 2017 5:01 pm

      I did not mean to imply that Australians are bigots. That’s why I made the point that the complaints and threats came from ‘a small group of Australians’. And went on to say how generous the crowd funding had been.

      You make an excellent point that the reaction might have been different if a variety of children had been pictured. Sadly enthusiastic complainers are likely to take any opportunity.


    • heidi ruckriegel / Feb 4 2017 7:59 am

      It was, in fact, a scrolling billboard with many different people represented, but the haters only took exception to this one image. The girls themselves found it very upsetting and were heartened by the support they received.

      Liked by 1 person

      • leggypeggy / Feb 4 2017 8:07 am

        Thanks so much, Heidi, for adding more information and insight. I was at the coast when this happened so didn’t see the sign myself, just read and heard about it in the news.


  32. The Year I Touched My Toes / Jan 28 2017 7:35 pm

    Well said Peggy, Louise.

    Liked by 2 people

  33. kunstkitchen / Jan 29 2017 4:01 am

    Thank you for sharing your post and personal experience. I am heartened to hear that the message prevailed that all are included.

    Liked by 2 people

  34. Bun Karyudo / Jan 29 2017 1:41 pm

    I knew about the Trump story, of course, but the Australia Day one was new to me. They’re both depressing, although the way many Australians (including political authorities) responded to the racism was at least one bright spot. I cannot tell you how much I despise such intolerance. Sadly, it has existed in some form or another in every country I’ve ever been in, although usually on the margins. I dread to think what will happen if it’s seen to be given official sanction by governments, though. This is a big part of what worries me so much about Donald Trump and his band of bigots.

    Liked by 2 people

    • leggypeggy / Jan 29 2017 3:33 pm

      Yes Bun, the response by the vast majority of Australians was heartwarming. But the lack of compassion and the degree of heartlessness being shown by the current US administration is cause for great concern. Especially after the moves of the last 24 hours. I’m glad I have no need to travel to the US.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Bun Karyudo / Jan 29 2017 3:46 pm

        It is shocking. It’s immoral and also very ill thought out. I’ve already read about highly educated specialists being unable to take up their posts in the USA.

        Liked by 1 person

      • leggypeggy / Jan 29 2017 3:53 pm

        It’s outlandish. An Iraqi who translates for the US military was detained for something like 19 hours.


  35. mommermom / Jan 29 2017 4:16 pm

    Oh, wow! We do live in a flawed world with flawed people. It’s so sad that people just can’t accept people.

    Liked by 2 people

  36. stephleo / Jan 30 2017 8:28 am

    I nominated you for the Mystery Blogger Award. No pressure, just fun. So if you don’t do awards that’s okay : ) I wanted to share your blog with others since I enjoy reading it! Best wishes!

    Liked by 2 people

    • leggypeggy / Jan 30 2017 12:49 pm

      Thanks so much Steph. Really appreciated. I’ve never done awards because we’re often travelling remotely and the internet is non-existent or terrible. But really appreciate you thinking of me.

      Liked by 1 person

  37. Lynn Millar / Jan 31 2017 10:47 am

    As a U.S citizen, I apologize to the world. We are doing what we can with demonstrations and legal moves to change the mess our president is creating. – Lynn

    Liked by 2 people

    • leggypeggy / Jan 31 2017 9:47 pm

      Oh Lynn, you don’t need to apologise to anyone. Just keep up your good work with protests, demonstrations and legal moves. And now it seems appropriate to say ‘may the force be with you’.

      Liked by 2 people

  38. Forestwoodfolkart / Feb 4 2017 4:41 pm

    Emotions are running high right around the world it seems. Common sense seems to be laid aside for an adrenaline charged heightened emotion, on many sides. I do hope things settle in time, and that we can seek to find similarities as opposed to differences. Differences divide us, similarities bring us together. I hope you enjoyed your Australia Day, and continue to resist the fear driven hatred that is encouraged by false media reports. Thanks for posting, Peggy.

    Liked by 2 people

  39. milliethom / Feb 6 2017 8:56 am

    I must have been asleep all week, Peggy, because I knew little about these events. Intolerance is running amok worldwide at the moment and I’m totally appalled by it. The way things are heading, I can see situations like the one you describe becoming more and more frequent. I can only hope something stops that snowball rolling. I hope you enjoyed Australia Day. Having seen post in previous years, I know it’s usually a lovely day for Australians.

    Liked by 2 people

    • leggypeggy / Feb 6 2017 3:56 pm

      Intolerance is so widespread and, like, you, we hope the snowball stops rolling. Even better if it melts.

      As for us, we had a wonderful Australia Day at the coast with neighbours over for dinner. Now looking forward to the three-day Multicultural Festival in Canberra starting 17 February.


  40. voulaah / Feb 14 2017 11:20 pm

    La tolérance avec T, c’est ce que notre vie d’aujourd’hui a besoin pour vivre en paix
    Merci beaucoup Peggy pour ce post super
    Passe une belle fête de Saint Valentin
    Bisous de Madagascar

    Liked by 1 person

    • leggypeggy / Feb 15 2017 10:32 am

      Thanks so much voulaah. We definitely need more peace. Hope your Valentine’s Day has been special and happy. Gros bisous!

      Liked by 1 person

      • voulaah / Feb 15 2017 6:05 pm

        You are very welcome dear
        Oh yes 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  41. Mithai Mumblezz / Feb 16 2017 5:21 am

    That is so unfortunate. Lives of many people would have been better if they worked on improving their own lives rather than doing such destructive behaviour.

    Liked by 1 person

  42. Nusrath Sariffo'deen / May 21 2017 9:35 pm

    Hello there! Thank you for signing the petition! I’m reblogging this article as a treat! I enjoying this article a lot! It’s very well written!

    Liked by 1 person

  43. Kamal / Jun 11 2017 2:58 pm

    It’s important to be tolerant of others, but never of those that believe in intolerance. In other words you can’t love what is good, if you endorse what is hateful. For instance if those girls in that poster leave their religion, they will face death threats by other Australian Muslims (this is well known). And is why an endorsement of what they are wearing is upsetting, especially to those among you that believe in tolerance and love of freedom of choice. Don’t conflate a love of freedom with intolerance.

    Liked by 1 person


  1. When did tolerance get thrown out the window? – The Diary Of A Muslim Girl

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