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2 July 2011 / leggypeggy

Bush camping with Dracula

Just letting you know we leave Budapest tomorrow morning to set out for Romania. Sunday afternoon we’ll visit Dracula’s castle and that night we’ll camp nearby. If you never hear from me again, you can assume I’ve been vampired. But don’t panic until Tuesday which is when we are likely to have our next internet connection.

As an aside, it’s our turn to cook tomorrow (Saturday). So we’ll see if Poor John, Martin and I can whip up an interesting meal. Cross your fingers for us that we don’t have to cook in the rain (which we often did in Africa). When you cook, you make the evening meal and the next day’s breakfast. You also get to mop out the truck on the next day. Lucinda, our tour leader, helps with the cooking, but she doesn’t do mops. Smart girl.

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  1. Louise M Oliver / Jul 3 2011 9:52 pm

    Big knob of garlic–check
    Safe to sleep near Dracula!


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