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3 September 2012 / leggypeggy

Showy bromeliads at Montreal Botanic Garden

bromeliad -- vriesea carinata

Lobster claw bromeliad

I’ve already shown off the Montreal Botanic Garden as well as its extensive Japanese garden and collection of cacti. Now I’m on to the bromeliads.

I had never realised that bromeliads were native to the tropical Americas. This is great news. Poor John and I are in South America until January and I hope to see and photograph oodles of examples. I’ve read that they even grow on telephone lines there. A study in Ecuador found that many small animals—such as tree frogs, crabs and salamanders—make their homes in bromeliads, and that the plants themselves sometimes create homes for other bromeliads.


Bromeliad Blaze Vriesea

There are more than 3100 species of bromeliad. They are diverse in size, shape, colour and perfume. They can be found from sea level to 4200 metres, and in rainforests to deserts.

The largest bromeliad reaches 3–4 metres in height with a flower spike up to 10 metres. The smallest is Spanish moss, also known as the air plant. I’m guessing the one we know most commonly is the pineapple.

The Montreal Botanic Garden has lots of showy bromeliads and I photographed the ones that were easy to ‘reach’. I’ve named all the ones that had accompanying signs. Sorry if I have misidentified any. Fell free to correct or add information. Always appreciated.

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  1. lmo58 / Sep 3 2012 9:05 pm

    Thank you for these lovely photos Peggy. I especially like the Lobster Claw—they all have such beautiful colours. I’m really looking forward to the next lot of beautifully coloured flowers.


    • leggypeggy / Sep 3 2012 9:13 pm

      More to come—I still have begonias and leaves. Leaves? Yep, it will be a catch-all of pretty pictures.


  2. alexalen262 / Aug 17 2013 5:17 pm

    I care for this family of plants…it was love at first sight when I first saw them. You have such a beautiful garden…definitely a plants lover paradise. I´m all the time pleased with pictures of it.


    • leggypeggy / Aug 17 2013 10:04 pm

      Thanks for stopping by. I love bromeliads too.


  3. barkinginthedark / Dec 20 2019 6:53 am

    ain’t nature grand? continue…

    Liked by 1 person

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