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17 September 2012 / leggypeggy

Our overland trip starts tomorrow—finally

Our truck

Poor John and Sponge Bob

If you’ve followed this blog for a while, you’ll know that our original plans for a overland trip in South America were thwarted.

We booked a new option with Oasis Overland. The itinerary is pretty much the same, but we’re five weeks behind on our original starting date. That’s okay. We’ve spent the last little while goofing off in the USA, Canada, Colombia and now Ecuador.

But our big day actually comes tomorrow—we get started. In the morning, we’ll set off in a big yellow truck (nicknamed Sponge Bob) and spend the next four months getting to see huge slabs of South America and getting to know our fellow travellers.

I’ll be writing about our adventures, and still writing about past adventures in other far-flung places—there’s so much to tell and I always feel so far behind.

Hope you continue to come along for the ride. Please, please, please—I’d love it if you’d leave comments, ask questions and share in the journey. I’m sure we can squeeze you on to the truck.

South America

A rough guide to our route in South America


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  1. Joanne T Ferguson / Sep 17 2012 3:18 pm

    Can’t WAIT to experience the journey through your eyes!
    With wonderment and surprise!
    Makes me FEEL like am traveling with Poor John and you!
    Look forward to your SAFE adventures and WHOO HOO!


    • leggypeggy / Sep 17 2012 3:21 pm

      Thanks Joanne. I look forward to sharing the adventure.


  2. doc1946 / Sep 17 2012 3:27 pm

    Good fruit and wine in Chile. Excellent coffee and drugs in Colombia. Beautiful views in Peru. Gorgeous babes in Brazil (email photos).Company Name


    • leggypeggy / Sep 17 2012 3:47 pm

      I’m looking forward to the wine in Chile. It’s about $40 a bottle in Ecuador—all tax. Will share the views in Peru, but can’t guarantee I’ll show off the babes in Brazil. 🙂


  3. Potsie / Sep 17 2012 3:28 pm

    I love your overland travels. I’m always following the bus and look forward to your and Poor John’s travels.

    Smacky smacky kiss kiss.


    • leggypeggy / Sep 17 2012 3:46 pm

      Hey Potsie, you’ll have to call this one a truck because it really is a truck. I’ll save a seat for you. Smacky, smacky kiss, kiss back.


  4. Louise Scrivener / Sep 17 2012 4:32 pm


    LOVE the nickname, and love the fact that you guys are yet again, doing something amazing.



    • leggypeggy / Sep 17 2012 10:16 pm

      Thanks Louie, I usually hate it when trucks are named, but Sponge Bob is so appropriate for a truck this colour. I hope the short nickname is Sponge and not just Bob.


  5. lmo58 / Sep 17 2012 5:18 pm

    Hi Peggy,
    At last you’re on your way! Yay!! I am so looking forward to reading about all of your and Poor John’s adventures and learning about the other people on the truck. It’s a very impressive-looking truck indeed; and a nice shade of brilliant yellow so’s people will know you’re in the vicinity. Stay well, have fun and keep posting.

    Love and best wishes


    • leggypeggy / Sep 17 2012 10:15 pm

      Thanks Louise, I must find out what PMS colour the truck is! 🙂 Off to breakfast now before we load ‘Sponge Bob’.


  6. didmid / Sep 17 2012 7:22 pm

    I did part of this trip with Oasis in 2008 – from Lima to Santiago. So awesome. Megan (Uk to Oz) x


    • leggypeggy / Sep 17 2012 10:13 pm

      Seems like it well organised and full of fun people. I’m thinking of doing truck cluedo when the rest join in Lima. Any tips?


      • didmid / Sep 18 2012 12:00 am

        Haha, awesome. Um – make sure that “locations” are general enough that they can apply when you’re camping and when you’re in hostels. I think one of the locations I put was the bathroom/shower area (written when we were in Ephesus and had had several campsites with those areas) – and then we bushcamped solidly for a few weeks!


      • leggypeggy / Sep 18 2012 6:37 am

        Thanks for that extra tip. I’ve already mentioned the truck cluedo idea and people are keen. Now how about the murder mystery? 🙂


  7. Steve Favinger / Sep 17 2012 10:19 pm

    So glad you are finally on your way. We will follow you closely. If you get lost, the rescuers shouldn’t have any trouble finding you:)


    • leggypeggy / Sep 17 2012 10:23 pm

      Oh gosh, Steve, that’s hilarious! Look forward to having you and Lynne along for the ride!


  8. Jo / Sep 17 2012 10:53 pm

    Hi Peggy and John, all the best for your newest adventure, certainly will not get lost with that Big Yellow Truck, look forward to reading about the trip, lots of cheers from Canberra,


    • leggypeggy / Sep 17 2012 11:07 pm

      Thanks Jo. Glad you will be joining us on the adventure.


  9. Wanda Causby Rabb / Sep 18 2012 12:26 am

    I’m also looking forward to joining you and Poor John (virtually, of course)! Safe travels and have a lot of fun and adventure!


    • leggypeggy / Sep 18 2012 6:38 am

      Thanks Wanda. Good to know you been joining the fun!


  10. ian Webb / Sep 18 2012 5:54 pm

    Looking forward to reading your new adventure travels. I am thinkging about a similar trip in 2014, so I will be very interested in your trip. Hope everything goes well and you don’t have too many border incidents!!


    • leggypeggy / Sep 18 2012 9:34 pm

      Hi Ian. Wish you were joining us on this one—we are definitely off to a great start. In to the Amazon tomorrow. 🙂


  11. Sy S. / Sep 19 2012 3:57 am

    Hello Peggy,

    The detailed map of South America really helps. I am sure that the overland truck will stop nearby to Macho Piccho, one of the top attractions in S.A. Going through Argentina and Patagonia would be of interest to me; take many photos plze). When is the best time of year for an overland tour like this, it is spring time in that area of the world. Do you need any passports for countries you have visited or plan to visit in S.A.

    Have a safe trip,

    Sy S.


    • leggypeggy / Sep 19 2012 7:48 am

      HI Sy — It’s so great to hear from you. We are going to Machu Picchu—it will take four days to climb! Argentina and Patagonia are on the list too. Much of South America is in spring, but Ecuador (where we are now) has two seasons—rainy and dry. Luckily we’re here for the dry. We’ll need our passports all through South America, but we can get most visas at the borders.
      Thanks for your good wishes. I promise to take lots of photos. 🙂


  12. Sue Maxted / Sep 20 2012 1:00 am

    Hi Peggy, I’m loving the entries…had my bag packed but guess I missed the bus. Will look forward to each new adventure! Safe travels to you and John! And take lots of pictures! Sue Maxted


    • leggypeggy / Sep 23 2012 12:25 pm

      Hi Sue — look forward to having you join us.


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