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15 March 2014 / leggypeggy

Big thank you to everyone who leaves a real comment

I hadn’t checked this blog’s spam folder for a while—a few weeks—only to find more than 600 worthless messages/comments.

Geez, these people are persistent, repetitive, obvious and obnoxious.

But before I dismiss them all, I should share some of the topics.

The first five pages had offers for car and life insurance, sex (unimaginable varieties), headphones, tattoos and tattoo guns, Thai books, venetian blinds, cookware, ice cream makers, age creams, chinos, massage, hair straightener, shoes, books, sunglasses, computer games, sports jobs, bit coins, laser hair removal (especially upper lip), weight loss, acne, home treatments for yeast infections—okay I’ll stop there.

There were also two identical requests from different people asking if they could buy ad space on my blog. I searched google for the exact wording and found it was a scam. Doesn’t matter because I don’t sell ad space or earn money off this blog.

In fact, I pay $8 a year for the blog host to filter out the spam. Some cagey stuff gets through anyway—I reckon three or four slip through each day. But I delete them before you see them.

So I wanted to send a big thank you to everyone who leaves a real comment. You are most appreciated. And if you want some decent (and edible) spam, check out the recipe I posted on my cooking blog.


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  1. Derrick / Mar 16 2014 12:33 am

    I hope the few comments I post dont end up in your spam box
    I might advertise my trips on there
    I dont always comment on the blog, but I always read them
    I like reading what you have been upto, where you are going
    In regards to edible spam, I’m stil waiting for the REAL fish stew (okay what we had on our trip was okay, but I think you could do better)

    Anyway thanks for the blog (you have you own box on my emails)


    • leggypeggy / Mar 16 2014 7:50 am

      Derrick, your comments never end up in the spam folder. As for the fish stew, I made it earlier this week. Very tasty. I don’t think it will keep long enough to send some to you, so I’ll have to come for a visit and make it. It has loads of bacon, which is probably more important than the fish. 🙂


      • Derrick / Mar 16 2014 7:53 am

        Cant beat bacon, you know you would be welcome to come over, even got a room ready
        Post it online (or send the recipe)
        Good thing is you dont even have to cook group shop or even cook (I been taking lessons)


      • leggypeggy / Mar 16 2014 8:11 am

        Here’s the fish soup/stew recipe.


      • Derrick / Mar 16 2014 8:21 am

        Thanks, dinner for one night is now sorted,

        The wife will be impressed AGAIN


      • leggypeggy / Mar 16 2014 8:32 am

        Let us know how it turns out. Oh, and I usually use chicken or vegetable stock instead of plain water.


  2. weggieboy / Mar 16 2014 1:39 am

    I’m surprised you get so much spam. The spam filter on my blog catches virtually everything, and I suspect it is the same one you have, through WordPress. (Of course, you have 966 followers to my 241 or 242, so are more visible on the Internet.)


    • leggypeggy / Mar 16 2014 7:54 am

      Thanks for dropping in. I too am surprised by the volume of spam! Used to be that I’d get one or two a day and they’d go straight to the spam folder. Then suddenly it’s an avalanche, and so creative! Some really is hilarious. Maybe I should collect the top 10 funniest.


  3. Lex / Mar 16 2014 7:34 am

    Hi there. After reading you comment on spam I was motivated to leave some real feedback. I first fond your blog when I was researching the internet for information on Antarctic cruises. I loved your Antarctic blog, and we’ve now been to Antarctica and Patagonia, and had an amazing time.
    Since then I’ve received and read all your blogs, following you to,India and back to Canberra (I’m a sydneysider, so close to home there).
    We travel a lot and I always send a private blog to friends, but don’t publish on a site. I admire your efforts!
    To coin your own phrase, ‘Where to next (for you)?


    • leggypeggy / Mar 16 2014 8:10 am

      Hi Lex, thanks so much for dropping in and for being a long-time follower of the blog. I’m so pleased you made it to Antarctica and Patagonia. Truly amazing destinations. We’re heading to Iran in May to travel overland from Tehran to Beijing (three months). Then Papua New Guinea in August or September, and back to India in October. Care to join us? 🙂


  4. Joanne T Ferguson / Mar 16 2014 1:12 pm

    G’day! More than know what you mean Peggy but as the Eternal Optimist, not worth worrying about spam that is uncontrollable and yes they are persistent!
    Thanks always for your real comments too as are greatly appreciated and hope today is a good day for Poor John and you! Cheers! Joanne


    • leggypeggy / Mar 17 2014 1:19 pm

      Hi Joanne! I always appreciate your visits and comments. They brighten my day. 🙂


  5. Dillard Griffith / Mar 17 2014 4:45 am

    Hi I am an old KSC pre-med student from the fifties. Are you aware of the “Ten Lost Tribes of Israel” and the fact they were spread out along the ancient silk route? If you are and have visited that area, I need information as to a safe tour route through that area? Thanks Dillard from BBW, NE.


    • leggypeggy / Mar 17 2014 1:48 pm

      Hi Dillard—I am aware of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel, and the theory that they moved east along the Silk Road. I travelled the Silk Road in 2009. Am doing it again this year on a slightly more northerly route. Both my trips have been by truck with overland companies.
      I can suggest two books that may give you some advice. They are The wrong way home: London to Sydney the hard way by Peter Moore and From here to there: a father and son roadtrip adventure from Melbourne to London by Jon and Jack Faine. Lots of companies offer tours along the route, so you should also try a google search for overland travel on the Silk Road. Good luck.


  6. Derrick / Mar 20 2014 9:37 am

    The fish stew was a great success, clean bowls from both of us, but as I am not a lover of celery, I used carrots (and for the clour)
    I would recommend this to try, even if its just the once (you will make it again)
    Thanks, Peg


  7. gpcox / Mar 21 2014 8:57 pm

    Great letter to the spammers. I can not believe some of the ones I get! I can only imagine you receive pretty much the same ones, sounds like it. Have a great weekend, Peggy.


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