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7 December 2012 / leggypeggy

Feeling small in Antarctica


A Zodiac heads toward the Ocean Diamond

Everything about our expedition to Antarctica has been immense—the glaciers, the expanses of water and ice, the horizons, the cold weather gear we have had to wear, even the amount of food served on our ship, the Ocean Diamond.

These two pictures only begin to convey some of the immensity.

I hope you’ll stay tuned for more pictures and stories from our 10-day adventure to this mysterious and fascinating continent. Soon we’ll be back to the mainland and a more generous and stable internet connection.


An expansive view in Antarctica


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  1. lmo58 / Dec 8 2012 10:56 am

    Ah you’re nearly back to that more stable internet connection. I can’t wait to read more and see more spectacular photos. The Ocean Diamond and the Zodiac look itty bitty in these two photos. How extraordinary!! So pleased to see that you and Poor John are having such a wonderful time and so privileged to have friends like you in my life. Keep being safe and doing what you’re told and having fun and snapping away.


    • leggypeggy / Dec 9 2012 2:07 pm

      The ship and Zodiac were so itty bitty in the scheme of Antarctica. I feel so fortunate to have gone.


  2. ipatagonici / Dec 9 2012 4:05 pm



    • leggypeggy / Dec 9 2012 4:25 pm

      It was truly amazing. I’m ready to go again.



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